速報APP / 健康塑身 / Butt and Legs Workout

Butt and Legs Workout





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



Butt and Legs Workout(圖1)-速報App

Out of shape? Tired of hiding that big booty? How many methods have you tried till now to get your butt in shape? Yet no success? Do not worry, we deeply researched the best butt workouts for a firmer butt, created masterful workout plan and put all together in A Butt and Legs Workout.

Get a fitness-model booty with our simple workout plan!


Just make your routine and go through the lower body training as directed in the app. Since the app is designed as a challenge, you’ll surely have the motivation to finish it. You’ll feel stronger, fitter and your butt is sure to be firmer and fitter!

Butt and Legs Workout

Butt and Legs Workout(圖2)-速報App

● Achieve thigh-gap goals

● Fat free glutes

● Lifts your butt

● Increases fitness

● Achieve toned figure

Butt and Legs Workout(圖3)-速報App

● Tone and shape your body

● Reduce extra-fats of the butt


1.No need to go to the gym

2.Easy to follow

Butt and Legs Workout(圖4)-速報App

3.Detailed video instructions

The best thing is that with the bottom exercises you’ll be also activating your core, so you may also achieve weight loss around your waist and get rid of those love handles.

Butt and Legs Workout(圖5)-速報App